Mohd Shah Dolah Registered Real Estate Agent - PEA 3211 - Landsworth Properties Sdn Bhd E(1)1959



  1. Facilitating property owners in effectively selling, renting, or leasing their properties.
  2. Strategically identifying and engaging motivated, genuine, financially qualified individuals as potential buyers, tenants, or lessees.
  3. Expediently connecting property owners with a pool of interested buyers, tenants, or lessees, ensuring prompt results.
  4. Aiming to secure the utmost and optimal sales or rental value for property owners while safeguarding their best interests.
  5. Embracing transparency throughout the sales, rental, and leasing journey, fostering equitable and sound practices for all stakeholders.


Hello! My name is Mohd Shah Bin Dolah, and I am a highly passionate, intuitive, and client-driven Real Estate Agent (PEA 3211) with a sole mission to make real estate fun, inviting, and seamless for everyone involved. As a dedicated professional at Landsworth Properties Sdn Bhd E(1)1959, I have an extensive background within this industry and have cultivated a deep understanding of the buying, selling, leasing, renting, auctioning, negotiating, and marketing processes that guarantee a positive experience for every one of my clients.

Born in 1980 in a town known as Petaling Jaya, State of Selangor, I have always strived to make a positive impact. I had commitment, perseverance, and a strong work ethic instilled in me since I was young, and that became the catalyst for me to earn a Diploma in Multimedia and Business Computing from the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak in 2000, a Bachelor’s Degree in Information System from Universiti Teknologi Petronas in 2004, and a PPKM Certification in 2005. From there, I spent over a decade working within the Treasury Department for the Malaysia Banking industry (2005-2015). I previously held management, analytical, and money marketing roles within other respected banks. Then, in 2016, I decided to change my path and follow my passion for the property industry. I became an award-winning real estate negotiator and have not looked back since.  

Between my education, experiences, and proven track record of success, I know how to connect with people from all walks of life to provide them with the support they need to succeed before, during, and after their transactional process. From implementing best practices and understanding legal requirements to negotiating with respected associated parties within current marketing conditions, you can solidify your confidence that your transaction is in the best possible hands. Furthermore, as exciting as this journey can be, I am also aware of how stress-provoking this financial decision is. Because of this, I have dedicated myself to not only being a negotiating agent but also a mentor, consultant, and friend along the way. My goal is to empower my clients with in-depth information, knowledge, and insight so they can make the best decision for themselves and their futures.

Nothing makes me happier than being able to put buyers into their dream homes and obtaining top dollar for every seller listing. I have a true ardency for my career, am not afraid of failure, value integrity and trust, and always put my clients first. I illuminate this devotion by delivering transparent, professional, and qualified services and strive to make win-win scenarios for every situation. This, along with my focus on achieving success and my mission to provide smooth experiences for my clients, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are working with a licensed agent who will support you every step of the way you reach your real estate goals.

I love what I do and always seek ways to advance personally and professionally to serve my clients better. However, when I am not working, I often read or travel.



2016 | 2017 | 2018


2018 | 2019 | 2020


2021 | 2022 | 2023



1) Engaging Unregistered Unauthorized Brokers

A cascade of difficulties has unfolded in the wake of current economic turmoil, exacerbated by the recent reopening of a market that lay dormant for nearly two years. This includes a surge in unemployment rates, the shuttering of numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and a mounting wave of financial hardships. Consequently, the real estate market finds itself navigating a phase of deceleration. Property owners confront the intricate dilemma of selling their assets within this landscape. The repercussions are particularly severe if real estate transactions falter or endure delays, disrupting personal or corporate cash flow and further compounding financial challenges.

2) Accurate Pricing Strategies

Often driven by constraints, real estate proprietors might inadvertently entrust their valuable holdings to individuals who need to comprehend the potential pitfalls fully. This impulsive decision-making may lead them to unregistered brokers or deceitful scammers who exploit the vulnerabilities of those experiencing adversity. The actions of such evil entities can culminate in inflated sale prices, driven by their greedy pursuit of heightened commissions. These artificially inflated prices can result in unsold properties, unsettling the cash flow for both individuals and businesses. To safeguard against these risks, it is imperative that property owners exclusively engage a Real Estate Agent registered with the BOVAEA (Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents, and Property Managers Malaysia) to oversee their sales, rentals, or leases.

In a marketplace saturated with real estate options, potential buyers enjoy an array of alternatives. However, property owners' ill-considered pricing strategies can diminish their holdings' allure in the eyes of potential buyers. By leveraging the insights and consultations of a registered Real Estate Agent, property owners gain access to essential information about prevailing demand trends, recent sales data, and competitive pricing within a specific locale. This consultative approach empowers property owners to establish sales or rental prices that are both competitive and compelling. The outcome is an expedited sales process that maximizes the potential for timely transactions.

In a realm where decisions hold significant weight, my expertise stands ready to illuminate your path. As your chosen Real Estate Agent, I am committed to enhancing your decision-making prowess, ensuring your property ventures culminate in success. Let me, Mohd Shah Dolah, share invaluable information and provide you with the necessary visibility to make precise and informed decisions.






1 - Real Estate Agent Conducts Property Inspections
The Real Estate Agent is responsible for conducting property inspections. This inspection aims to ensure that any minor or significant damage is identified. If the property owner can repair the existing damage, this will reduce the effect of a big discount request if there is a negotiation with prospective buyers.

2 - Real Estate Agents Inform Surrounding Real Estate Developments
In addition, the Real Estate Agent also has a role to follow the current trend or development of the real estate market and inform the owner in case of changes in terms of real estate laws and the current situation that may affect the sale or rental of the property.

3 - Real Estate Agent Prepares Marketing Plan
Next, the Real Estate Agent will explain the proposed marketing and action plan to the owner. A good marketing and action plan will spread widely in all online or offline mediums, accelerating sales.

4 - Real Estate Agents Do Real Estate Marketing
After proposing a marketing plan to the owner, the Real Estate Agent will conduct marketing activities to ensure that the advertisement for the sale or rental of this property goes to the right target buyer. A wide distribution of ads will help to get leads of interested prospects. At this stage, the Real Estate  Agent will screen and review to ensure that this prospect is financially capable and highly motivated.

5 - Real Estate Agents Check Prospect Qualifications
This lead-filtering process will produce high-quality prospects. Next, the Real Estate Agent will invite these high-quality prospects to come and visit the property. Opportunities whose financial qualifications have been checked have a high chance of proceeding with the purchase or rental of the property.

6 - Real Estate Agents Negotiating
Suppose the prospect is interested in continuing to buy or rent. In that case, the Real Estate Agent will negotiate to ensure the buyer and seller get a "win-win situation" price offer. The final price will only be determined by the seller and after getting approval from the buyer.

7 - Real Estate Agent Manages Real Estate Sales
Finally, Real Estate Agents play a role in facilitating the purchase or rental process. If the purchase price has been agreed upon, the Real Estate Agent will help the prospective buyer to manage the loan and suggest the appointment of a real estate solicitor. With the help of a Real Estate Agent, this final process will be able to be accelerated and further give relief to the property owner to get the remaining money from the sale in an immediate period.



1 - Contact Real Estate Agent Mohd Shah Dolah
Next step: contact Real Estate Agent Mohd Shah Dolah for a free consultation. During this process, the Real Estate Agent will explain the current market in your selling location area, the latest transactions, and the appropriate price proposal based on the abovementioned factors.

2 - Appoint a Real Estate Agent
After the consultation session, the property owner will appoint a Real Estate Agent to sell the property. At this point, the Real Estate Agent will explain the process and responsibilities of the Real Estate Agent toward the property owner.

3 - Real Estate Marketing
After being appointed, the Real Estate Agent will do the real estate marketing process online, offline, and through other deemed appropriate methods. This ensures the dissemination of information related to the property to be sold to as many potential prospects as possible.

4 - Getting a Buyer or Tenant
After finding a buyer, the Real Estate Agent will manage the sales process. This includes buyer's loan matters and the proposed appointment of a real estate lawyer. This is to ensure that the sales process runs smoothly until the end.

5 - Assignment of Vacant Possession
The final step is the handover of vacant possession or handing over the keys to the new owner. Once the keys are handed over, the owner will receive the balance of the sale. An appointed real estate lawyer will do this matter. While waiting for the critical handover process, the owner must ensure that the monthly bank instalments are paid as usual. Only after being notified to stop paying will the monthly instalments be arrested.


Real Estate Agent Mohd Shah Dolah manages the sale, rental & leasing of real estate according to the following real estate categories: houses, apartments or condominiums, luxury houses such as semi-detached houses or bungalows, land, and also commercial units. Contact Real Estate Agent Mohd Shah Dolah for the next step.



This free consultation is essential to ensure property owners get accurate information or information about their properties. Please fill in the form below to secure your appointment, or call us at +60122410366.


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